
All notable changes to will be documented in this page.

16th August 2023 (1.1.0)


An external link option to user & group profile gallery page media upload.

Activity link preview.


No changes in this release.


Resolved the issue of showing all pages without login.

Clicking anywhere else on the header now removes the search area in the search, resolving the issue.

10th August 2023 (1.0.9)


Forum Tab On/Off Option.

Activity Post Comments Order Option.


Header Login Button now has Icon + Text Option in Desktop View.


Minor Bug Fixes.

1st August 2023 (1.0.8)


Activity Post Grid Style.

Activity Post Blur / Full Image Option.

Hide / Undo Post Option in Activity Posts.

Forum Create Topic and Reply.

Activity Post Deletion.

Confirmation Message for Activity Post Deletion with Success Message.

Verification Badge Icon for User Profile Friends List.

Description Field in Register Form and Additional Details.

Header Sticky Background Option.


Redesigned the Socket.

Updated Header Friend Request Button.

Implemented Redirect URL Using Filter.

Optimized the Code for Better Performance.


Resolved the Issue with Notification Comment Post Link Redirect.

Fixed the Language Switches Redirect Issue.

Resolved the Issue with Blog Post Visibility (Private/Public/Protected).

Minor Bug Fixes.

20th July 2023 (1.0.7)



Share Activity Post: Notification.

Login Button: Icon Set for Mobile View.

Sharing Activity Post, User Profile & Group Administrator Widget.

Modal: Verification Badge Icon Added.

Default Avatar/Cover Image Change.

Hidden Group, Private Group Profile with Moderation Features.


Messages: Updated for Compatibility.

Course: Updated for Compatibility.

User Profile Menu Updated


User Group Via Add Post Disabled in Activity Feed.

Logo Size Set for Mini Sidebar.

Group Create User Post and Update Profile Image Content Not Showing in Activity Post.

Online/Offline Status Label and Shop Text Translation Issue.

Shop Page: Options Not Working.

Favorites Post Not Displaying in “User Profile” Post.

“Load New Post” Button Not Displaying on Mobile.

Minor Bug Fixes.

16 July 2023 (1.0.6)


No changes in this release.


User Profile Field Text Editor Block.


Forget Password Issue Solved.

06th July 2023 (1.0.5)


No changes in this release.


No changes in this release.


Notification Warning

Moderation Warning

Minor Bug Fixed

06th March 2023 (1.0.4)


Reaction Feature on Comments & Posts.

Privacy Settings for Profile (Private/Public Options).

User Profile Picture: Viewable on Click.

User Profile Cover Picture: Viewable on Click.

 Levels Unlock Information Page.

UI Update.


Forum Updated for Compatibility.

Store Updated for Compatibility.

Courses Updated for Compatibility.

Courses Review Updated for Compatibility.


Restriction Pages Issue Resolved.

Responsive Side Bar Menu Issue Resolved.

Minor Bug Fixes.

06th December 2022 (1.0.3)


No changes in this release.


No changes in this release.


Minor Bug Fixes.

06th August 2022 (1.0.2)


Login with Other Social Media Options.

Blog Post Option in Activity Feed.

Share Activity Post Features (Post in Post).

User Profile Personal Information Visibility Settings.

Friend Suggestion Refuse Feature.

More Menu Item Option.

On/Off Option for User Profile Courses Tab.


Social Share UI/UX Optimised.

Story Updated UI/UX Improvement.

Forums Updated for Compatibility.

Shop Updated for Compatibility.

Course Updated for Compatibility.


Removed Current User Active Status from Recent Active Sidebar.

06th April 2022 (1.0.1)


New Facebook Style.

Reporting System.

Story Deleting Feature.

Story Pause/Unpause Buttons.

Video Mute/Unmute Buttons.

Verify Member Add Badge Notification.

Verify Member Invitation Request Badge Notification Button in User Profile.

Online User Status in Header Notification.

Show/Less Group Description in Group Detail Page.

 List/Grid Courses Display.

Private Chat Integration.

Private Chat Notification Bell.

Expanded Profile Social Media Options (e.g., Facebook, Website, Instagram).

Dark – Light Mode Options.

Option to Display Selected Points.

User Blocking & Reporting System for Posts, Groups, People.

User Suspension Feature.

Comment Box On-Click Opening.

External Link Upload Option for Photos, Videos While Posting.

Course  Modules in User Profile.

Course Page Options.

Course Category Widget.

Recent/Featured Courses List Widget.

RTL & Dark Mode Support.

Header Search Bar with Courses Data List.

Login Form Redirect and Login Link Added on Registration Form.

Non-Restricted Multiple Post Selection (Post, Page, Courses, Forums, Topic).

Login Redirect

Message Option in User Profile.

Like Notification On/Off Option from User Profile.

RTL Mode with Switch.

Language Support.

User Wise and Globally (Non Friends) Show Activity Option.

Points/Ranks Tab/Point Tab in User Profile.

New System Mode in Dark Light Mode.

Panel to Show User Notification, Message, Request, and Search Icon in Mobile View.

Restricted – Non-Restricted Page Options.


Set Common Functionality.

Chat Compatibility.

Story Compatibility.

Feature Dark – Light Mode.


Minor Bug Fixes.

Light/Dark Mode Color Issue.

Current User Active Status Removed from Recent Active Sidebar.

Emails Sent to Forgotten Passwords Issue.

Redirect Issue for New Users Registering for Active Accounts.

Video Preview for iOS.

Notification Unread Count Issue.

Responsive Activity Sidebar Issue.

06th January 2022 (1.0.0)

Initial Release